We are The Universe
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about life and its values, because the coronavirus and the situation it causes, I think, is changing our thinking. We are facing death and misery now. This, I think, make people overestimate everything. At least that is what is happening to me right now.
I am more aware that we are very fragile, our lives with its habits, routines, can change at any time. Nothing, in fact, in our lives is unambiguous and definite, permanent. Can things we have right now protect us from destruction and disease? Would not the virus infect you because you have a big house and a car? No! If we do get ill, we will all suffer the same way! The homeless person we pass by every day, looking down on him, may have a better chance of surviving than we do because he has better immunity.
Maybe everything that is happening in the world right now is a warning that we need to change! We must remember who we are - first and foremost - human beings!
With this painting I wanted to make a viewer to think about our connection to the Universe, to the eternity. I want us to start thinking bigger, to start feeling more, to feel connected to all humanity and The Universe.
If we could do this, we would gain huge power! If we could consider ourselves being a part of something unexplainably huge, eternal, I think, we could break our system how we value each other and we would become better people! I believe it is possible!
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